Saturday 11 May 2013

Grade 12 Thermochemistry Lab

This lab is a classic: determine, experimentally, the heat of combustion of candle wax. It has been used in secondary schools for decades. All chemistry teachers are aware that this lab provides a very crude measurement of the heat of reaction. Simply "doing the experiment" is hardly an experience in experimentation. To improve the learning experience, I've modified the lab in two significant ways.

First, I left the details of the method up to the students. I have provided a diagram as a starting point. Given  the general harmlessness of the materials, the students are free to modify the design. They must be able to provide reasons for their design, however it was modified.

Second, I shifted the analytical focus of this lab to error analysis. Students must scrutinize their experimental design to identify, and quantify, possible sources of experimental error. Does their analysis account for the discrepancy between the prediction (based upon a bond energy calculation) and their measurement?
Here are the instructions that I provide the students.

Lab 1.3: Heat of Combustion of Candle Wax                                                                                                       
What=s The Question?   Measure the experimental ΔHx of the combustion of candle wax in air:

  C29H60 (s)   +   44 O2 (g) 
 30 H2O (g)  + 29 CO2 (g)
ΔHx  =
Use bond energies to estimate ΔH, and use that estimate as your theoretical heat of combustion.
If your experimental value of ΔHx differs  from the theoretical ΔH, calculate the % error, and account for the missing energy.

What Are We Doing?
1.    Make a simple calorimeter out of a pop can.
2.    Measure any masses and temperatures you think you need, both before burning, and again after burning.
3.    Record the temperature each minute until the T has risen to about 40EC
4.    Carry your data through any necessary calculations to find the heat released by your candle, and the molar heat of reaction of candle wax.

What Are We Thinking About? 

Human error (incompetence?) is unacceptable as a source of experimental error.  It=s an excuse, to be sure, but a miserable excuse.   Instead, do this...
1.     Carry your experimental data through the calculations, just as you always do.  .
2.     Estimate the size of any error.  Don=t just say Awe mighta spilt some wax.@  Estimate the maximum mass of the spilled wax.
3.     ACorrect@ your experimental data by applying your best estimate of the size of the error.
4.     Carry your Acorrected@ data through the same calculations as (1).  Compare the answers.  Did the error cause an increase or a decrease in the measurement?  Find the % eror.

Questions For Later...
Calculate the effect of each of the following uncertainties.  Do they make your measurement too big, too small?  Express these uncertainties as a % of the Acorrected@ value.
1)    0.1 g of wax dripped onto the desk top during combustion.
2)    your thermometer always reads 2.0EC too low.
3)    you spilled about 1 g of water from the calorimeter after weighing it.